Association Nursing Homes Contract Settled!

This website will hold all updates from recent bargaining sessions.
June 22nd, 2023-

After two weeks of ratification meetings and elections in 108 different nursing home facilities, we are pleased to announce that the tentative agreement for Illinois Association of Healthcare Facilities has been ratified by a 99% YES vote!
This significant agreement not only symbolizes our collective victory but also marks significant progress on our key demands:
– The permanent integration of the $2 ARPA funding into our wage scale, acknowledging our worth and hard work.
– The recognition of Juneteenth as a paid holiday, demonstrating our shared respect for historical milestones.
– The preservation of our 5 COVID days, initially set to expire on April 30th, underscoring our commitment to maintaining a healthy work environment.
– A clear path to a minimum hourly wage of $25 for all, inclusive of longevity increases of up to $3 for our most experienced workers, rewarding our commitment and loyalty.
Now that you have ratified your contract here’s what’s next:
1. The Employer and union will sign the agreement
2. The new agreement will officially go into effect
3. Wages may show on your 2nd payroll
4. Contract books will get ordered and distributed
5. Things to note: your wage increase should include retroactive pay to May 1st if your facility opted in the CNA subsidy program. If your facility DID NOT opt in the CNA subsidy program you will receive your raises starting July 1st.
6. You will receive a retroactive holiday for Juneteenth
7. There will be steward elections in July
What is retroactive to May 1st?:
- $2.00 ARPA
- 5 Covid days
- Juneteenth
- Longevity Increase
Wages: Wage scale will be in effect May 1st if you are in the subsidy program or July 1st if you are not in the subsidy program
Call the MRC if you have any questions at 866-933-7348
Congratulations on winning this historic agreement! Our union is only as strong as we are because of the involvement and courage of members like you.

Ratification Meeting PowerPoint:
Friday, May 12th Tentative Agreement Reached!

Dear Fellow Nursing Home Worker, United we stand, stronger than ever. This strength is visible in the tireless dedication of our bargaining committee, a group of members across all jobs from represented facilities, working relentlessly for our collective benefit. After a grueling 14-hour negotiation session with our employer, their persistence has led to a tentative agreement that they fully endorse for ratification! This significant agreement not only symbolizes our collective victory but also marks significant progress on our key demands: – The permanent integration of the $2 ARPA funding into our wage scale, acknowledging our worth and hard work. – The recognition of Juneteenth as a paid holiday, demonstrating our shared respect for historical milestones. – The preservation of our 5 COVID days, initially set to expire on April 30th, underscoring our commitment to maintaining a healthy work environment. – A clear path to a minimum hourly wage of $25 for all, inclusive of longevity increases of up to $3 for our most experienced workers, rewarding our commitment and loyalty. (To fully understand the benefits of this tentative agreement , we invite you to attend a ratification meeting and voice your decision.) In 2017, many of us were earning just $15/hr. Today, we can proudly say that we’re making wages as high as $28.50/hr! The extraordinary progress we’ve made in the last three contract cycles is a testament to our unity and determination. By ensuring that no one was left behind, we have collectively paved the way for a brighter future for all workers. Let’s take a moment to celebrate this victory! YOUR VOICE, YOUR VOTE! Stay tuned for upcoming ratification meetings in your facility. These meetings are an important opportunity to delve deeper into the agreement’s details and to exercise your right to vote. All meeting dates will be posted here on our website so check this page for any updates! In Solidarity, Shaba Andrich Vice-President of the Nursing Homes Division, SEIU Healthcare Illinois Indiana |
Wednesday, May 10th Marches on the boss
We’re committed to our fight for higher wages and better working conditions so we took our petition and delivered it to management to show how serious we are about winning a fair contract! Check out some photos from different facilities:

Monday, May 1st bargaining flyer & highlights
Wednesday, April 26th Sticker Action
We had a successful sticker action at all of our nursing homes this last week that showed management how united we are in our fight for a fair contract. Check out these photos from different facilities!

Tuesday, April 25th bargaining flyer & highlights
Monday, April 17th bargaining flyer & highlights