Brandon Is Better
SEIU Healthcare Illinois has endorsed Brandon Johnson for Mayor.
Brandon Johnson has advanced to the April 4th runoff election to be Chicago Mayor.
Together with the backing of a multiracial coalition of working people from every background and zip code across our diverse city, we achieved what many said was impossible.
A public school teacher, union organizer and Cook County commissioner, Brandon Johnson is the only candidate who’s walked in our shoes. BRANDON IS BETTER on the issues that matter most – from fully funding schools, to affordable housing and making our communities safer.
As the son of a pastor and one of ten siblings, Brandon Johnson was raised on a foundation of hard work, faith and service.

Brandon began his career as a public school teacher, first at Jenner Academy in Cabrini-Green and then at Westinghouse College Prep on the West Side, where he experienced firsthand how school closures, unemployment and gun violence impacted his students and their communities. Brandon went on to become an organizer with the Chicago Teachers Union, where he led multi-racial coalitions to defend neighborhood schools from privatization, reduce high-stakes standardized testing and expand access to state funding.
In 2018, Brandon was elected commissioner of the 1st District of Cook County, where he led the effort to pass the Just Housing Ordinance, which prohibited housing discrimination against formerly incarcerated people. As commissioner, he also collaborated with colleagues to eliminate the gang database, secure legal representation for immigrants facing deportation and advance recognition of Indigenous Peoples’ Day.

Why Brandon’s Better
Public Safety: Address Crime on Day 1 and Address Root Causes
Enact a Day-One Plan to Get Smart and Serious About Crime
Brandon Johnson will enact reforms to make CPD more efficient, train and promote 200 new detectives from the existing rank and file, improve transit safety, and get illegal guns off our streets.
Expand Support for Victims and Survivors
For far too long our city has ignored victims and survivors of crime, especially those who’ve experienced domestic violence. That ends when Brandon Johnson is mayor.
Invest in our Youth and Communities
We start by doubling youth summer employment to over 60,000 jobs, targeting our most at-risk youth and building out a CPS Trauma Response Network.
Mental Health, Addiction Care, & Housing for the Unhoused
Brandon Johnson will support Treatment Not Trauma; reopen shuttered mental health clinics; have health professionals, not police, respond to crisis calls; and support the Bring Chicago Home ordinance to house Chicago’s 65,000+ unhoused residents.
Child Care for All, Fully-Funded Public Schools, Housing as a Human Right

Brandon Shows Up Workers & the Fight for $25