Medicaid Fightback
The Threat
The Threat
Donald Trump and Congressional Republicans have a plan to rip away our healthcare and our jobs, in order to give tax breaks to greedy billionaire bosses like Elon Musk.
Medicaid is popular and in order to take it away they’re going to try to divide us by race, gender, language, or anything else they think will help get them tax breaks.
Medicaid is a jointly funded federal-state health insurance program.
Our Jobs: If you’re an SEIU Healthcare member working in a hospital, nursing home, or you provide home care, Medicaid funds your job.
Healthcare For Our Families and Communities: Medicaid provides healthcare to nearly 80 million people. That amounts to one in five Americans! Medicaid funds care for vital care for kids, moms, seniors, rural communities, and people with disabilities.
Jessica’s Story
Part 1

Part 2

Donna’s Story

Shunda’s Story

What Cuts Could Mean For Our Jobs and Those We Care For
What Cuts Could Mean For Our Jobs and Those We Care For
- Home care hours cuts for seniors and people with disabilities
- New eligibility restrictions and waitlists for receiving home and community-based services
- Rollback of nursing home staffing requirements linked to cuts in nursing home funding
- Elimination of special funding streams for safety net hospitals
- Rolling back Medicaid eligibility would inundate safety net hospitals and other providers serving vulnerable communities with the newly uninsured, threatening the ability of safety net hospitals to stay open
- Loss of health insurance coverage for low-income (ACA Medicaid expansion) adults
- Because Medicaid funds over 40% births, a curtailment of these benefits could drive up infant and maternal mortality rates
Medicaid Funds Home Care, Hospital, and Nursing Home Care
Illinois HSP (DORS) home care – 100% Medicaid funded
Illinois CCP (private agency) home care – 78% Medicaid funded
Indiana home care – 99% Medicaid funded
Illinois nursing homes – 70% Medicaid funded
Illinois safety net hospitals – over 50% Medicaid funded
Missouri nursing homes – 66% Medicaid funded
Missouri safety net hospitals – 38% Medicaid funded
Missouri home care – 100% Medicaid funded
Medicaid Cuts Threaten State Services
Medicaid is a very large portion of the budget in every state, averaging 29% nationally.
- 30% of Illinois state budget
- 35% of Indiana state budget
- 34% of Missouri state budget
- 25% of Kansas state budget
If federal funding is cut, states will have extreme difficulty making up for those funds to adequately protect the health of their populations. The threatened cuts are intended to be so massive that states would not be able to limit the number of people affected or the danger to people’s health.
**Call or Email Your Congressperson**
Call Your Congressperson at 866-426-2631
Our healthcare and our jobs are under attack.
Call your Congressperson right away.
Here are things you might say on the phone:
Sample Script
Hi, I’m a constituent from [city or town you live in]. I’m asking the Congressperson to make sure there are No Cuts to Medicaid. Donald Trump is trying to divide us by race, gender, and immigration status so he can give tax breaks to his rich friends. Don’t take away our healthcare to give tax breaks to billionaires. Don’t take away our jobs either.
[if you or someone you know gets their health insurance through Medicaid, tell the person on the phone that and how important the program is to you.]
[If you’re a home care worker] I’m a home care worker and my [consumer/client] needs me. Don’t take their care away. I love my job. Don’t defund it.
[if you’re a hospital worker] I’m a hospital worker. We’re always working short-staffed. Don’t make our patients suffer. I love my job. Don’t defund it.
[if you’re a nursing home worker] I’m a nursing home worker. We’re always working short-staffed. Don’t make our seniors suffer. I love my job. Don’t defund it.
Would you like to take down my name and contact info?
Thank you for your time.
Medicaid Fact Sheets By Congressional District
Illinois Fact Sheets
IL-10 Bradley “Brad” Schneider
IL-13 Nicole (Nikki) Budzinski