St. Bernard Settles Historic Contract!

CONGRATULATIONS to St. Bernard Hospital members after ratifying their contract with a 94% yes vote!

Here are the details of St. Bernard’s agreement which will last for 3 years:
Short staffing pay- $10 an hour for every hour a member has to work short or is asked to pick up an additional shift or is working in a position that has been vacant.
18% wage increases over 3 years with the first year being an increase of 8.3% (more than double from previous contracts)
The CNA minimum wage increased from 16.20 to 19.00 and was moved a pay grade higher.
Mental Health workers, crisis workers, patient care techs and monitor techs were moved to higher pay grades and the minimums increased over $3 in those classifications.
Storeroom clerks were moved a pay grade higher and the minimum increased from 15.80 to 17.10
Increase to the night shift differential
Juneteenth as a paid holiday!
The priority for our Saftey Net Campaign was to promote safe staffing for our members and their patients. This settlement insures that St. Bernard will be able to fill vacancies and retain current employees. After we settled workers definitely felt respected, protected, and paid for all the work they do!