State budget includes raises for DSPs!

The State of Illinois passed a budget over the weekend that includes funding to raise pay for DSPs by up to $2.50/hr in 2024!
This would not have been possible without members consistently stepping up to take action and making our voices heard. DSPs participated in a lobby day and press conference where we spoke directly to state lawmakers and shared our personal stories about the need for investment in our workforce. We also filled out digital postcards to add our names to a statewide petition in solidarity with AFSCME & SEIU Local 73 DSPs.
By coming together through our union, we were able to win this significant victory that is an important step forward in our ongoing fight to ultimately win a path to $25/hr for all Illinois DSPs. We work hard each and every day to make sure the individuals we serve receive the supports they need, and we deserve a living wage that allows us to take care of ourselves and our families as well.
This rate increase will go into effect in 2024 and we will need to negotiate with our agencies so that every single cent goes towards DSP wages instead of their profits. Our strength is in our numbers, and when we fight for what we need together, we win!