Home child care providers: last and largest rate increase took effect December 1!

December 1st marked the last of 7 rate increases we won in our historic contract, which included a 30% rate increase over three years. These wins are possible when we build our power together through our union!
Together, we have fought for and won rate increases, supported each other through a pandemic, and demanded that the wealthy and corporations pay their fair share to fund Child Care For All, a universal child care system for all working families that pays every provider a living wage. Our updated wage scale is below:

We are stronger together — if you haven’t activated your membership to become part of our mighty child care union, now is the time. When we stand together, we can secure even bigger wins when we go back to the bargaining table next year to fight for our next contract . Become a member! Click the button below.
If you are already a member, take action to build our power as we prepare for our contract fight in 2023 by signing up to be a Member Coordinator, Member Organizer, or Community and Political Organizer.