ARPA Funding Victory at Elevate Care Northbrook!


Last week workers at dozens of nursing homes took action after circulating a petition that demanded funds from the American Recovery Plan Act (ARPA) be funneled to frontline workers. 

In case you missed it, the state legislature allocated $75 million dollars of ARPA funds for long-term care facilities to respond to the COVID pandemic. Over half of those funds should be spent directly on “pandemic pay” for nursing home workers through potential wage increases, bonuses, or increased benefits because members united in our union stepped in and demanded it. Some employers aren’t following through though and that’s why we are holding them accountable! 

Hundreds of Elevate Care nursing home workers organized a march on the boss to deliver their petition and saw immediate results.

Nursing Home workers at Elevate Care Northbrook deliver their petition to management.

Their direct action led to direct results – full time workers received a $600 bonus and part time workers received a $300 bonus! Not only that – ownership of their home was so shaken by the action they awarded the bonuses to their nonunion homes too!

Marilyn Lopez, a union steward at Elevate Care Northbrook said “We worked very hard for this victory and I’m proud to know that we are not alone in our struggles and that when we stand together and fight, we win!” 

We congratulate all the workers who took a bold stance last week and plan to continue holding all nursing home owners accountable for the pay we deserve!

Nursing Home workers at Alden Des Plaines