Episode 17: Daycare Double Bind – Hope From the Front Lines Podcast


Pictured above: Child care provider Tahiti Tamer spoke at a press conference for emergency COVID child care funding in September

Hope from the Front Lines is a weekly podcast featuring stories of black and brown women who are members of SEIU HCIIMK on the front lines of the COVID-19 crisis. 

Nine months into the Coronavirus pandemic, childcare providers are doing double and triple duty supervising school aged kids with remote learning for much of each day, while doing their regular duties caring for the children of working parents.  But providers fear that if and when schools reopen, their risk of COVID exposure will increase as kids shuttle back and forth between daycare and classrooms.  They’re placed between a rock and a hard place as their dilemma is unnoticed and under appreciated. In this episode, childcare providers Jamila Ife Wilson and Tahiti Tamer make their voices heard.

Full episode:

Audio preview of Episode 17:

Reporter Bio:

Judith McCray is an award winning documentary filmmaker, broadcast journalist and producer. Twenty three years ago she founded Juneteenth Productions to find and tell stories from the perspective and experiences of people who matter, whom we hear too little about or from. She passionately believes that media is an effective tool for positive social change and reaching people and communities that are underrepresented. With Hope from the Front Lines, she’s reminded that we all will need and be caregivers at different points in our lives. She loves sailing and horseback riding – but rarely gets to do either.