Royal Oak and Oakwood Estates Workers Take Direct & Get Results

SEIU members at Royal Oak and Oakwood Estates wasted no time when they heard that payment had not been sent for their health insurance.
Andrea Reece and Leona Spencer (pictured above), who both serve as stewards and on the bargaining team, worked with fellow leaders in their shops to circulate petitions demanding that management pay up so workers wouldn’t face an interruption in their health insurance.
After a strong majority signed on to the petition, they planned to march on their bosses, deliver the petitions, and demand answers.
Word must have gotten around about their plans for direct action, and overnight a check was sent to cover what was owed!
“I’ve been at Royal Oak for 22 years and it’s so important for us to raise
Leona Spencer
our voices through our union when we have concerns. That’s exactly
what we did with our petition and it paid off!”
CNA, Steward, and Bargaining Team Member at Royal Oak
Members did a great job to address the issue around health insurance, and to set the tone ahead of their first bargaining session.