Home Care Aide Robin Sledge Testifies for Higher Wages

SEIU home care aides in Illinois won a big victory in 2019 when we secured funding to raise wages statewide to at least $13 per hour. These raises translated to more than a $2 per hour increase for some workers and were long overdue.
This year, we’re looking ahead to win our next increase!
Peoria home care aide Robin Sledge recently traveled to Springfield to testify on behalf of fellow workers about just how important continued investment in the home care workforce is. Check out some of her testimony below.

I mentioned at the beginning of my remarks that until recently I was caring for 4 seniors. The reason that has changed is because the transmission blew out on my car. I cannot afford to fix it so as a result, I can only work for the senior who happens to live right next door to me. I have no transportation to get to my other clients, or to shuttle them to their doctor’s appointments or to get groceries.
If I made a higher wage, I would be able to save a little from each paycheck for when unexpected things like car repairs come up in life. But on what I make, there is nothing left after covering bills and then pinching pennies to put food on the table.
This is not an isolated story. The tens of thousands of home care aides across our state face these same hardships every day. If we care about our seniors having access to the services they need and ensuring they have reliable, devoted caregivers to provide them, then we must invest in the home care workforce now.
Robin Sledge, peoria home care aide
State lawmakers on the House Appropriations Human Services Committee were very moved by Sledge’s remarks.
“You are the heart, mind, and soul of our healthcare system. Raising your wages needs to be this committee’s priority,” said State Representative Camille Lilly in response to Robin’s testimony.
Assistant House Majority Leader Kathy Willis said, “We need to value your work more. Our state needs to step up.”
If you’re ready to join the fight for our next raise, stay tuned for opportunities to get involved!