We Won $15 for the City of Chicago!

Last week the Chicago City Council made history by approving a new minimum wage ordinance that will set Chicago workers on a path to earn $15 per hour by July 2021!
The last minimum wage ordinance in Chicago was passed five years ago but it fell short of getting workers to $15 per hour, instead culminating in an increase to $13 that took effect July 1, 2019. When that happened, we promised we would be back to finish the job and ensure Chicago workers earned at least $15.
That’s why we helped lead a coalition of labor, community groups, and worker centers this year who fought tirelessly to win the strongest minimum wage ordinance possible.
So, what does the ordinance mean to a worker in Chicago?
If your employer is in the City of Chicago and has at least 21 employees, the following minimum wage scale will apply:
July 1, 2020 – $14 per hour
July 1, 2021 – $15 per hour
*If you want to see how the minimum wage ordinance impacts smaller employers, youth workers, tipped workers, and workers with disabilities, click here.
This is a tremendous victory for working families across Chicago! Those who already earn more than the minimum wage will also benefit from this ordinance because when we raise the wage floor at the very bottom, there is pressure to raise wages for those earning more than minimum wage too.
This took countless workers speaking out, taking action, and staying engaged in the fight. That is how we win and SEIU members helped lead the way!
We are proud to share and celebrate this victory with you. As a union, we are now looking ahead to using this city minimum wage victory, in addition to the statewide minimum wage victory earlier this year, to leverage stronger contracts and higher wages for all of our members.
Stay tuned for ways to get involved in the work ahead.