State of Denial: Illinois Languishes as Bruce Rauner Budget Crisis Continues

Trump Rhetoric Matched By Policy of Ruin in Land of Lincoln
SPRINGFIELD-Following is the response of SEIU Healthcare Illinois President Keith Kelleher to Gov. Bruce Rauner’s State of the State Address today:
“Bruce Rauner remains in a state of denial. His address today did nothing to acknowledge HIS own role in a budget that purposefully has harmed women, children, seniors, people of color and people with disabilities in an attempt to achieve a non-budgetary political wish list.
“His has abdicated his chief constitutional responsibility, to INTRODUCE a balanced budget, all while using the revenging power of his checkbook to back right-wing politicians who share his vision of dismantling the social safety net in Illinois brick-by-brick and destroying the rights of workers.
“While he has distanced himself from Donald Trump’s rhetoric and hidden his support, his bullying actions fit perfectly within the new nightmare framework in Washington.
“When it comes to the state of programs staffed by OUR members, Rauner’s record has been particularly abysmal. Almost 50,000 fewer children receive care because of his rules changes. And thousands of people with disabilities face forced institutionalization because of overtime cuts to their home healthcare.
“In the sorry state of Bruce Rauner, it’s up to members of both parties to insist NOW on a fully-funded budget NOT balanced on the backs of the most vulnerable among us and NOT predicated on a non-budgetary political wish list.”