SEIU Healthcare Missouri members team up with allies to welcome Bain Worker Bus Tour in St. Louis

Workers at Bain Capital-owned corporations kicked off a bus tour in St. Louis, MO, with SEIU HCIIMK members before making its way across the country. Current and former employees launched a month-long journey intended to educate voters in key states to reject Mitt Romney’s economic vision for our country.
Bonnie Borman has worked at Sensata Technologies in Freeport, IL, for 23 years but thanks to Bain Capital she’s been training her Chinese replacement along with her 170 other coworkers whose jobs are being outsourced. The Sensata workforce has been camping out across from the plant in their makeshift campaign headquarters they’ve named ‘Bainport.’
“We know firsthand what a Romney Economy looks like,” said Bonnie “Outsourcing good, American jobs, slashing wages and benefits, and devastating our communities. As we make this trip across the country and continue to camp out in front of our plant, our message to voters will be clear: The Romney economy didn’t work for us, and it won’t work for you.”
The Bain Worker Bus Tour also made stops in Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Florida, and the presidential debate in Hempstead, NY, before culminating in a day of action in Bostom, MA, where both Romney’s campaign and Bain Capital are headquartered.