Make Care Jobs, Good Jobs

Under Governor JB Pritzker’s leadership, Illinois is on the way to being the best state in the country for families to receive the care they need at all stages in their life. There’s more work to do.

With 45,000 home and child care workers negotiating a contract with state of Illinois, we need his continued leadership to solve Illinois’ care crisis. Illinois can follow the lead of other states like California and Minnesota by making care jobs, good jobs. Those states have strengthened the vital child care and home care services by raising pay, improving benefits, and providing a path to retirement for our care workforce.

  • Home care workers need a path to $25 an hour.
  • Child care workers need a rate increase towards a living wage.
  • All care workers need a path to retirement

Tell Governor Pritzker we need his continued leadership to solve Illinois’ care crisis.

Stories from Caregivers & Those They Care For

The Call to Make Care Jobs, Good Jobs is Statewide

SEIU Healthcare Illinois child care and home care members are conducting a series of statewide actions as 45,000 care workers continue to bargain with the Pritzker Administration for a new contract. Workers, families who need care, and allies spoke out in Springfield, Peoria, Rockford, Carbondale, and Alton. They echoed what workers are calling for at the bargaining table with the Pritzker Administration: living wages and a pathway to retirement for child and home care workers across Illinois.

In October, care workers kicked off their campaign with a major march and rally in front of the Springfield State Capitol building. Workers have also made a major investment in digital and radio ads throughout Illinois to encourage the Pritzker administration to invest in workers.




Carbondale / Mt. Vernon