Immigrant Rights

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Know Your Rights

Remember, all people in the U.S., regardless of immigration status, have rights under the U.S. Constitution and other laws. Make sure you know your rights if you are approached by police or ICE.

It is extremely important that you verify information and accuracy before spreading information regarding ICE activities or information. Only share what you have personally witnessed. This will help us avoid the divulging of incorrect information and communities entering into panic.

Please call your steward, organizer, or the Member Resource Center (866-933-7348) with any information you know firsthand.

Right to Remain Silent (Palm) Card

Download, print, cut-out and carry this card with you. You can share these cards with family and friends. This card can protect you if immigration or the police question you. The card will tell immigration or the police that you are exercising your constitutional rights.

The website below has more details about your rights and what to do in the following situations:

What to do if Immigration Comes to Your Workplace

What To Do If Immigration Or The Police Come To Your Door

What to do if Immigration or the Police Stop You While Driving Your Car

What to do if Immigration or the Police Stop You Outdoors

What to do if You Are Arrested

What to do if You Are in Jail

I’m a U.S. Citizen. What Should I do if ICE Questions, Detains, or Arrests Me?

Legal Resources


 Directory Of Immigration System Bail Funds