Hospitals & Health Systems

Who We Are
We are essential workers. We are visionaries, carers, and life-savers. We are Kings & Queens. Many of us are women, women of color, & people who have too often been ignored and left behind. We are people who come together to build power to change their lives, the lives of their families, patients, and communities. We are a union.

SEIU Healthcare started when a few healthcare workers imagined something better.
We imagined a world where healthcare workers and our families live and work in dignity; where our work is both fulfilling and fairly rewarded; where we have opportunities to develop our talents and skills. A free and just society where regular working people – especially those of us who have long been pushed down and ignored – have a voice and the power to make big changes.
So we united together
Healthcare workers across the patient care spectrum – to create a worker-led organization devoted to raising up the people who do the everyday work of caring and healing. Now. More than 1 million (or 90,000) members strong, SEIU Healthcare is the largest, most powerful union of healthcare workers in the United States (or the mid-west).
We used our collective power to build something better. Together, we have achieved things people once thought were impossible. We are a union of carers, but more importantly, we are a union of builders and innovators. We invest in ourselves, our co-workers, our families, our communities, to build movements.
We don’t just stop driving big changes at work, because we don’t stop caring after we clock out. We take on big problems – like social, economic, gender, racial, and health injustice because those problems affect us all.
We use our collective power to build the better world we envision.
We Want to Hear From You

More Background
SEIU Healthcare Illinois & Indiana is the voice of thousands of hospital and clinic workers, from dietary and housekeeping workers to nursing assistants to highly skilled technicians. We work in community hospitals and clinics, as well as top-rated healthcare centers.
In addition to uniting thousands of healthcare workers in Illinois, Northwest Indiana, St. Louis, and Kansas City, SEIU Healthcare has worked to protect needed services at community hospitals and protect the healthcare safety net for many uninsured families. We’ve held leading for-profit hospital chains accountable to the communities they serve by fighting for improved charity care policies and against racial redlining in healthcare facility planning.