What SEIU HCII members are saying about Ballot Question #1

Ballot Question #1 funds will be dedicated to permanent affordable housing with supportive services. The tax only effects buyers of property over $1 million.
Ballot Question #1 is good for renters. It doesn’t affect your rent.
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“When I finally got my apartment, I was kissing the ground.” Germaine was able to get an apartment, further her education, and eventually buy her own house.
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“There’s no such thing as a less than.” -Joe
“Rich developers are trying to divide us…we’re not falling for it.” -Erica
It doesn’t affect property taxes at all.
It ain’t easy out here and too many of us don’t have a place to call home.
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“Child care workers working full-time, should never lose their home.” We all work hard. We all deserve a home.