Indiana State Budget Update: One Step Closer to Winning Home Care Worker Raises!

For the first time in a decade, Indiana home care workers united in our union ran an aggressive legislative fight to win raises in the state budget this Spring for homemaker and attendant care job classifications that had been left out of recent rate increases.
Members traveled to Indianapolis for two big lobby days, made hundreds of personal phone calls to state lawmakers, sent hundreds of emails to elected officials, and testified during legislative hearings to make the case for much needed raises that would help recruit and retain the home care workforce that Hoosiers need.
The hard work members put in throughout the session paid off, as we were able to take a big step toward our ultimate goal of winning raises.
State lawmakers passed a budget that includes increased funding that could go to future raises for Indiana home care workers in fiscal years 2024 and 2025. The funding that has been allocated will be considered for a number of different services though, and ultimately a Medicaid Oversight Committee will make recommendations by November 1, 2023, about how much could go to home care workers.
Our fight will continue this summer and fall as we do everything we can to make sure as much funding as possible ends up in our members’ pockets. The work we do is important and it’s up to us to raise our voices and take action so lawmakers know what’s at stake. We have built political power during this campaign that will help improve home care jobs now and in the future – and we’re just getting started.
Stay tuned for ways to take action in this next phase of our campaign for raises!
“I joined our union a little over a year ago, and before that I didn’t know we had a union to join. Since then I’ve seen firsthand how important it is to unite through our union to improve our jobs and the services our clients receive. Whether it’s being treated fairly at work, winning bonuses, or fighting for raises in the state legislature, we can win if we stick together. There’s power in numbers so NOW is the time to join and get involved!”
-Brittini miles, Help at home worker from muncie, IN