Chicago Commons Workers: We won a Tentative Agreement!

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Congratulations! We have reached a Tentative Agreement with your employer, Chicago Commons, regarding the $.45/hr. raise we won from the legislature. Your $.45/hr. raise is retroactive to January 1st, 2023. In order for this raise to go into effect, your union bargaining committee is recommending a “yes” vote.
You must be a member of the union to vote on this new contract. If you are not currently a member, that’s OK, you can join here!
Seniority | Rate |
Less than 1 year | $15.45 |
1 year | $15.52 |
2 years | $15.59 |
3 years | $15.66 |
4 years | $15.73 |
5 years | $15.80 |
6 years | $15.87 |
7 years | $15.94 |
8 years | $16.01 |
9 years | $16.08 |
10 years | $16.15 |
11 years | $16.22 |
12 years | $16.29 |
13 years | $16.36 |
14 years | $16.43 |
15 years | $16.50 |
16 years | $16.57 |
17 years | $16.64 |
18 years | $16.71 |
19 years | $16.78 |
20 years + | $16.85 |
These raises will only go into effect if members vote to ratify the agreement, so make your voice heard by becoming a member today!
¡Felicitaciones! Hemos llegado a un Acuerdo Tentativo con su empleador, Chicago Commons, con respecto al aumento de $.45/hr que ganamos de la legislatura. Su aumento de $.45/hr es retroactivo al 1 de enero de 2023. Para que este aumento entre en efecto, el comité de negociación de su sindicato recomienda un voto de “sí”.
Hay que ser miembro de la union para votar sobre este nuevo contrato. Si actualmente no está afiliado, no pasa nada, ¡puede unirse aquí!
Sólo podemos asegurar futuras victorias cuando los trabajadores de cuidado domiciliario se unen a través de su sindicato. Afíliese ahora.
Consulta la nueva escala salarial provisional encima.
Estos aumentos solo pasaran si miembros votan aprobar el contrato, entonces hágase un miembro hoy mismo.