2022 General Election Report Back: Our votes made the difference!

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SEIU Healthcare members in Illinois, Indiana, Missouri and Kansas stood united with one powerful voice and turned out in record numbers to overcome an expected wave of conservative, anti-worker leaders and instead elected leaders who stand with working people against price-gouging, tax-dodging, union-busting corporations.

And we did it in the face of shocking race-baiting ads and messaging from the opposition that played on fears about public safety.

  • In Illinois, we passed the Workers’ Rights Amendment, which will protect our rights to organize and negotiate for generations to come. Nearly every single candidate we endorsed up and down the ballot saw victory too – from re-electing Governor JB Pritzker, to picking up two additional Congressional seats, and protecting the Illinois Supreme Court from out of touch judges.
  • In northwest Indiana, home care champion U.S. Representative Frank Mrvan was re-elected in a hotly contested race.
  • In Missouri, our tireless efforts paid off with U.S. Representative Cori Bush sailing to victory, while Dr. Sam Page was elected to continue as St. Louis County Executive, and we elected a true champion for working families to preside as President over the St. Louis Board of Aldermen, Megan Green.
  • Our ally U.S. Representative Sharice Davids was also re-elected to Congress in Kansas.

These victories didn’t happen by accident, SEIU members put in long hours knocking doors, making phone calls, and turning out our coworkers, friends, and family to vote for the candidates who share our vision and support the issues that will improve our entire communities.

We know the fight doesn’t end on election day, and we will continue to mobilize to hold elected leaders accountable to the commitments they made and to create real change in our workplaces, neighborhoods, state capitols, and in Washington, D.C.

Brothers and sisters, when we vote, we win!

In solidarity,

Greg Kelley

President at SEIU HCIIMK


IL/IN Election Victory Statements