HCIIMK Remembers: Cassandra McKnight

SEIU HCIIMK Mourns our Fallen Sister Cassandra McKnight -May She Rest in Power
Sunrise: November 8, 1967
Sunset: March 27, 2022
SEIU HCIIMK President Greg Kelley offered the following words about our fallen sister:
“Our beloved member, steward for almost 20 years, Executive Board Member and leader, Cassandra McKnight made her transition on Sunday, March 27th. For Cassandra the walls of her hospital were never the limit to her involvement in the union. Despite her debilitating arthritis that was eventually diagnosed as ALS she continued to fight for justice and inspire us all. Many days when she was unable to walk or stand for long periods of time she still served on the bargaining committee for Sinai and Schwab, leading workers up to a strike and winning life changing wages for hospital workers. Her pride and joy was her husband, children and grandkids. We celebrate the life of Cassandra and will miss her dearly.”