Statement on Justice Breyer’s Retirement from President Kelley

Statement on Justice Breyer’s Retirement
Greg Kelley, President of SEIU Healthcare Illinois, Indiana, Missouri and Kansas, issued the following statement upon the news of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer’s decision to retire:
“Justice Stephen Breyer has spent his entire career standing up for working people and the advancement of racial and economic justice. His voice on our highest court has been critical to giving voice to workers here in Illinois and across the nation. We are grateful for his service to the Court, and his distinguished legacy.
“Justice Breyer’s retirement is a timely reminder of just how critical the Supreme Court is to protecting our rights as the last line of defense against injustice. No one has to tell working families what’s at stake: From pandemic protections to wages, health care, racial justice, environmental justice, the safety of our communities and more, we know the power each Supreme Court justice holds in their hands. That’s why today, we call upon President Biden to uphold his pledge to nominate a Black woman with a clear track record of standing up to corporations and standing with working people. A pro-worker, Black woman justice would not only make history, she would also help make sure the next generation of the Supreme Court bench better reflects the diversity of backgrounds and experiences that shape our nation.”