Nursing Home Workers – Open Enrollment 2021 Q&A Monday at 3:30

Attention Nursing Home Workers:
Please join the SEIU IL Healthcare Benefit Fund Office in a live Open Enrollment 2021 Q&A zoom call. Our dedicated staff will be on hand to answer any questions you may have regarding enrolling into a Health Plan for the 2021 year. If you haven’t already enrolled, this zoom call will be your chance to ask any questions you may have.
Also, remember that the deadline to enroll into a Health Plan is December 15th.
Monday, December 14, 2020
3:30pm to 4:30pm
Use the following link to log in:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 891 7717 9444
Passcode: 1o008t
Dial by your location
1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 891 7717 9444
Passcode: 390624
More info about open enrollment here: