Mado Uptown Nursing Home: We’ve Started Bargaining Our New Contract!

Introducing Our New Bargaining Committee:
Sarah Aderibigbe; CNA
1st Shift
Darrick Royal, CookStephanie Kinds, CNA
2nd ShiftRemona Lowe, Dietary Aide Pawan Kumar Jha
3rd Shift
*NOTE PICTURED: Ronnie Fashola, CNA, 1st
On October 8th we held our first bargaining session, and introduced our new committee.
We told management exactly what we need and emphasized two of major priorities:
- to be on the same Chicago wage scale as our Association contract;
- strong COVID-19 protections with hazard pay
Management was not prepared to respond to our proposals today. But we told them we deserve nothing less than what every other Union nursing home member has!
Our next bargaining session is set for Tuesday, October 20. Until then, we’re proudly wearing our SEIU Union buttons at work: “We are Stronger Together!”
For more info, contact a member of our Bargaining Committee or Venson @ 312-610-9723