Don’t be fooled by HCA’s attempts to divide us!

clenched_fist PURPLE

If there is one take away from the message HCA management sent out today about bonuses and merit increases it is this: OUR EFFORTS ARE WORKING!

For months, HCA has demanded drastic concessions from front line workers at the bargaining table – even though we know they’ve raked in over $1 BILLION in quarter 2 alone. Now, after our direct action and building public pressure, HCA has announced they will give out bonuses and merit increases, plus they will no longer seek to lower our 401(k) contribution.

They aren’t doing this out of the goodness of their hearts – they’re doing it because we’ve stood united and called out their corporate greed.

You’ll notice they are claiming bargaining unit employees will not receive the one-time merit increases and bonuses because negotiations are ongoing. Our union is NOT standing in the way of them giving members these same increases, however, we will not sacrifice long-term security of a contract for a short-term, one-time bonus or merit increase.

We will continue to demand a fair contract that includes across-the-board raises for everyone IN WRITING. That’s the power of a union contract – management cannot make promises and then take them away later.

Now more than ever before we must stand united and continue to pressure HCA to come to the bargaining table and reach a fair agreement. Save the date for Thursday, September 24 when we will hold our next public action. Make sure you’re there with us!

-Your SEIU Bargaining Team at Research & Menorah Medical Centers

Dian Allen, EVS

Peter Beckett, Surgical Tech

Patrick Gruetze, Food Service

Margie Hoffa, Pharmacy Buyer

Tanyece Stephens, Food Service

Anthony Baker, EVS

Shirley Caston, GI Tech

Emily Hanson, OR Tech

Ernesta Reese, Pharmacy Tech