Episode 2 – Child Care: Crisis Mode – Hope From the Front Lines Podcast

Hope from the Front Lines is a weekly podcast featuring stories of black and brown women who are members of SEIU HCIIMK on the front lines of the COVID-19 crisis.
In this episode of Hope from the Front Lines…
Child care providers play a critical role in a stable economy that often goes overlooked, but with COVID-19 that role is now much clearer. For parents to get back to work, they need secure and affordable child care, but some providers aren’t ready to reopen their doors. Others don’t have enough space.
On this episode, two home child care providers – Maria Del Carmen Macias & Araida Palacios – share their hopes and struggles as they navigate through a time of crisis.
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Reporter/Producer bio:
Erica Carbajal is a recent graduate from DePaul University where she studied journalism and Spanish. During her time as a student, Erica reported for the university’s broadcast and print media outlets, with coverage ranging from sports betting legislation to Chicago’s rising lake levels. She’s passionate about telling all sides of a story; the ones that often go unheard and overlooked, which is what connected her to Hope From the Front Lines. When she’s not watching the news or reporting it, you can find her cooking or unapologetically watching some reality television.