BREAKING: Fair Tax Amendment Will Allow Much-Needed Change to Illinois Tax Rate

The following statement was released by SEIU Healthcare Illinois President Greg Kelley on the Illinois Senate passage of the resolution to put the Fair Tax amendment on the ballot:
“We applaud the leadership shown by the Illinois Senate today in passing the resolution to put the Fair Tax amendment on the ballot. This is a crucial first step to fixing an unfair and inadequate system.
“We urge the Illinois House to now promptly pass this resolution, to bring much-needed change to Illinois’ regressive system of taxation. Illinois currently ranks as 8th most regressive state in the nation in terms of taxation—an unfortunate distinction that has placed an unfair burden on low-wage and middle-class working families while failing to provide the funding the state needs for even the most basic public services.
“Currently, a substantial percentage of the state’s lowest earners have twice the tax burden of the wealthy. It’s time for a fair tax rate structure that will fully fund essential services.
“The passage of the resolution in the Senate brings us closer to a tax rate structure that is both fair and adequate to meet the state’s revenue needs and which provides the funding necessary to ensure quality care and quality jobs for Illinois families.
“Our membership—comprised of tens of thousands of healthcare and child care workers providing necessary and vital services in communities across Illinois – shares a deep commitment to supporting the transition to a truly Fair Tax every step of the way.”
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Learn more about the Fair Tax here: