Parents and Child Care Providers Ask Rauner, Emanuel Why Child Care’s Taking a Backseat to Amazon

Child care providers and parents to speak out against Amazon incentives, demand child care for working families.
Chicago Sun Times: Union uses Amazon argument to push for universal child care
See more photos from the event here.
CHICAGO–On November 1st, child care providers and parents will call out Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Governor Bruce Rauner’s decision to scrap social programs like child care while offering Amazon billions in incentives.
In October, Governor Rauner’s leaked budget included a nearly $60 million reduction in child care funding. This cut comes after years of attacks on the Child Care Assistance Program and other social programs at the hands of Governor Rauner. While Mayor Rahm Emanuel claims to invest in early childhood in Chicago, enrollment in early learning programs is dropping while an estimated 130,000 children ages 0-5 in Chicago lack access to publicly funded early childhood education.
Many Chicago area families struggle to pay for child care. At the same time child care costs are soaring, many child care workers are paid minimum wage and lack benefits like health care.
While families and child care workers struggle, Governor Rauner and Mayor Rahm Emanuel are offering $2 billion in corporate subsidies to Amazon in the pursuit of the Amazon headquarters. Child care workers, parents and allies will call on Rauner and Emanuel to commit to providing public funding to make child universally affordable for all families in Chicago.
WHAT: March from Thompson Center to City Hall, Press Conference at City Hall, 5th Floor
WHEN: Wednesday, November 1st, 10:15
VISUALS: child care providers and parents, children, amazon boxes, signs
Where: Starts in front of Thompson Center, 100 W Randolph St, Chicago, IL 60601