St. Louis SEIU Members Help Launch ‘Save the Raise’ Campaign with Community Allies

On August 28, the Missouri preemption law that Governor Greitens signed will go into effect, nullifying the St. Louis minimum wage increase and lowering the minimum wage in the city from its current $10/hr. back to $7.70/hr.
In response, SEIU Healthcare members teamed up with other low-wage St. Louis workers, responsible business owners, and supportive local lawmakers to launch our ‘Save the Raise’ campaign!
Our goal is to convince as many St. Louis employers as possible to continue paying workers a minimum wage of $10/hr., as called for in the law that passed in 2015.
We held a huge press conference to announce our launch and got the attention of media both in Missouri and at the national level. Nursing home worker Alexis Straughter spoke passionately about the difference this raise has made for workers.
“One of my coworkers has been employed for 19 years and she was at $8.40/hr. before the increase. She cried tears of joy when it happened, now they want to rip it away,” explained Straughter.
Saving the raise isn’t just the right thing to do for working people, it’s the smart move for business that want lower turnover, improved morale, and a

We refuse to back down while Jefferson City politicians are rigging the system against us. This minimum wage increase helps us put food on the table, gas in our cars, and do more for our families. That’s worth fighting for! Get involved today by talking to your organizer.