BREAKING: JCAR Delays Vote on Rauner OT Cuts until March

SPRINGFIELD- Following is the joint statement of Access Living, the Illinois Network of Centers for Independent Living, and SEIU Healthcare Illinois in response to the breaking news that the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR) will delay a vote on the Rauner administration’s overtime rules for the DHS Home Services Program until March:
“We applaud the members of JCAR for their decision to once again delay their vote on the adoption of Bruce Rauner’s misguided overtime policy that would cap hours for personal assistants who provide home care services to people with disabilities through the DHS Home Services Program.
“If approved, this policy will have devastating repercussions for individuals with disabilities, specifically those who require a high number of hours of service per week and those who live in less populated communities where caregivers are hard to find.
“Beyond undermining consumer control and circumventing federal overtime laws, the minor cost-savings projected from this policy will be completely negated if only 182 individuals with disabilities are forced into more costly nursing home care – stripping consumers of their dignity and independence and leaving Illinois taxpayers to foot the bill.
“Hundreds of phone calls, emails, and personal letters have been submitted to JCAR highlighting the problems with this policy, and we are encouraged that lawmakers are taking additional time to examine the rules before voting on them.
“Our coalition vows to continue the fight against this terrible policy and our commitment to reaching a fair agreement that will protect the health and safety of people with disabilities remains. We call on Governor Rauner to abandon this dangerous policy and instead meet with stakeholders to come to an agreement that will protect people with disabilities, their caregivers, and Illinois taxpayers.”