The Trump/Rauner Record

Today , community leaders will gathered outside the Trump Tower at 10 a.m. to condemn the hatred and division of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, as Trump was in the city for a fundraiser. SEIU Healthcare Illinois Executive Vice President Greg Kelley was among the speakers and noted Gov. Bruce Rauner’s own campaign of division and asked Rauner .
Watch the video and see the information below to learn more about the Trump/Rauner record.
Rauner, who has pledged to support Trump, is dismissing any similarities. But his record tells a different story:
Trump became the first major-party candidate in modern history to call for a ban on immigrants based on their religion, a policy that experts agree is unconstitutional, not to say un-American. Rauner tried to get in on the scapegoating act by supporting a “despicable” ban on Syrian refugees, which likely also is unconstitutional.
Trump’s long history of mean-spirited and ugly comments about women and their appearances are the focal point of his running feud with a Fox TV news anchor. Rauner, meanwhile, was accused of intimidation and bullying behavior in his treatment of a female CEO involved in a business deal, and had virtually no women (or people of color) working at his investment house. Meanwhile, Rauner’s cuts have hurt women.
Trump has pandered to his base with a flip-flop on guns. After previously supporting commonsense gun reforms, Trump now opposes any restrictions on military-style assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. As he was pandering his way to the Republican gubernatorial nomination here in Illinois, Rauner similarly supported the ownership of the type of assault weapons that have been used in countless mass shootings, including, most recently, in San Bernardino.
While both believe they should lead governments because of their supposed success in the private sector, both Trump and Rauner were failures who cost their investors tens of millions of dollars through bankruptcies.
While the flim-flam known as “Trump U” has been in the news for preying on vulnerable people, Bruce Rauner has his own adventures with for-profit education scams.
Trump has been hostile to the workers at his various properties and currently is trying to bust the union at his Las Vegas hotel. Rauner, meanwhile, has made union-busting the centerpiece of his administration.