St. Louis University Hospital Workers Win New Three-Year Contract

After a 4 month contract battle with SSM Health, members wrapped up an intense fight presenting coworkers with a strong second contract. SLUH employees made it a priority to both raise the floor and raise the ceiling for wages at SLUH, with Fight for 15 rallying cry.
Although we had hoped as a local, not-for-profit, mission-driven organization, SSM Health would be a better bargaining partner, we soon realized it was only interested in nickel and dime offers.
Members fought back and showed unity with sticker actions, petitions, marching on managers, and a huge rally drawing media attention. Our action forced SSM back to the table to negotiate with us fairly.
While there’s still work to do to win 100% of what we want, we won great progress on many of our priorities.
Here are some highlights of what we won:
- 2.5% across-the-board raises every April through 2018
- Additional 1% raises to close the pay gap for employees–particularly technologists–with 10+ years of service, effective Jan. 1, 2017
- Increase to minimum starting rates for 18 job titles effective Jan. 1, 2017
- Increase to 403(b) matching
- Protected & guaranteed tuition remission to St. Louis University
- Improved protections around call-offs & flexing
- “Quiet Rooms” for new & expectant mothers at all SLUH locations
- Created stronger Labor Management Committees that can now address issues outside the contract like staffing, scheduling, & safety
- Limit timeline to implement discipline & reduction in how long it remains on record
- Stronger grievance procedure to ensure our rights on the job are protected