Missouri Home Care Workers Fight Back Cuts in Jefferson City

Missouri home care workers recently traveled to Jefferson City to meet with our senators and representatives about the importance of the services we provide and the need to protect home care funding for people with disabilities. Lawmakers in the House and Senate are already threatening to cut our program, and we know the devastating effects that would have on us and our consumers so we’re fighting back in the capitol.
“Attending lobby days and other events in support of home care funding are so important because some of our consumers can’t make the trip themselves and their voices must be heard. I care for my aunt and would never want to see her end up in a nursing home because she can no longer get the services she needs to remain in her home,” explained home care worker Mattie Bryant from Pagedale, MO.
Cuts not only threaten our livelihoods, but also the independence of our consumers. When home care isn’t fully funded it means less access to quality care for consumers, loss of their freedom and dignity, and even unwanted shifts to more costly institutional care. For home care workers like us, cuts would mean loss of hours and pay, or even our jobs.
“Lawmakers in Jefferson City need to hear from us if we want to save our jobs and protect the dignity of our consumers. We know that when home care workers stand up together for what’s right, we win. We were successful last year in protecting our programs, but this year is going to be an even harder fight so every home care worker needs to get involved and join us at events like lobby day,” said Elinor Simmons, home care worker from St. Louis.
This legislative session there’s a lot at stake in Missouri and that’s why we will continue to get our message out in Jefferson City and in our local communities. Lawmakers must pass a budget that protects our jobs, protects services for people with disabilities, and makes the rich pay their fair share so funds for services like home care aren’t robbed from those who need them most.
See more photos from the event here.