About Us
SEIU Healthcare is the fastest-growing union of healthcare, child care, home care and nursing home workers in the Midwest. Uniting more than 91,000 workers who provide vital care to our states’ children, seniors, patients and people with disabilities, we are committed to quality care and quality jobs for home care, hospital, nursing home and child care workers.
We organize together to build power to demand and win social and economic justice for our communities.
A society defined by freedom and justice, where we can all have quality education, healthcare and jobs, and where we can all live a full and plentiful life of our choosing.
President Greg Kelley

Contact Us
Member Resource Center: 866-933-7348 (866-933-SEIU) or send your question electronically by clicking here .
SEIU Healthcare Illinois & Indiana Main Line: 312-980-9000
Health & Welfare; Home Care & Child Care Health Fund: 877-734-8543 (877-SEI-UKID)
Click here for office locations.
For all press inquiries, please contact Communications Director Catherine Murrell at Catherine.Murrell@seiuhcil.org or 1-312-523-3882.
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