Missouri members meet with Rep. Charlie Norr on minimum wage and insurance issues

Our members in Missouri held our legislators accountable to working families earlier this month, meeting with Rep. Charlie Norr at a local library to discuss the issues that matter to all of us.

Meeting with Rep. Charlie Norr

Home health care providers Andrea Shay, Barbara Melton, and Annette Murray met with Rep. Charlie Norr.

Members brought up raising the state’s minimum wage (which currently sits at $7.50), expanding Medicaid benefits to people who currently make too much money to qualify for Medicaid but cannot afford private insurance, and protecting funding for home care programs. They also asked Rep. Norr to vote no on HB 1617, a paycheck deception bill that threatens the right of public employees to have union dues deducted from their paychecks.

Lobby Day in Jefferson City

Lobby Day in Jefferson City

“I think we did very well,” said Barbara Melton after meeting with Rep. Norr. “He understood our issues and committed to standing up for us in the Statehouse. But we’ll keep the pressure on!”

We drove our message home later in the month with a lobby day in Jefferson City, and we’ll keep taking action until workers’ voices are heard.